Even scientists like to think they possess some artistic skill; I chose photography. Honestly, I go out with my camera much less than I’d like and I’m by no means great at it. Eternalising memories while sharing my vision with others was what got me, though. You can see some of my photos over on Flickr.
In a world of abundance of electronic devices that you need to charge every day and replace every few years, a mechanical wristwatch stands out - especially vintage ones. Good ones - though not necessarily expensive - can last a lifetime powered by the simplicity of being worn on your wrist or winding it manually every other day. One of mine is 50 years old and it’s still in great condition. Mechanical wristwatches make me pause if for a second and let my mind wander. Best “gadget” I own.
As both a (failed) skater and swimmer in high school, I thought it best to to mix these both of those in one.